Special Offer
We offer a special 100% guarantee on personal service of your Process or you pay NOTHING! That's right it's free if we don't Execute the process in person to the recipient.
For $300.00 we will 100% guarantee service regardless of the time we are required to spend, the amount of attempts required, the situation required to effect execution, or the actual cost we incur in making the service. If we don't complete the assignment by serving the recipient in person you pay NOTHING.
Some examples of this type of service need include but are not limited to:
- Recipient is arriving at a certain location at a certain time and date and may never be back.
- Recipient has been deliberately avoiding service at all costs in the past.
- Recipient has no fixed address but intelligence may pinpoint this person at a certain place at a certain date and time. ie: wedding, funeral, social gathering, place of work, a meeting or appointment or even at a court proceeding.
- Service of the recipient is of high value and may be costly to your case if not served.
- Multiple attempts of non service would outweigh the cost and risk of this type of service request.
- Recipient may be on the way to leave the area by plane, train, boat, etc., and waiting could jeopardize your case.
Certain restrictions and requirements apply including no service on Sunday and travel distances involved. If you are considering this type of request please call as far in advance as possible to discuss your individual needs and the circumstances surrounding your case.